inhabiting the middle of nowhere —
Léann Herlihy & Gabriele Longega in Conversation
inhabiting the middle of nowhere —
Léann Herlihy & Gabriele Longega in Conversation
Léann Herlihy & Gabriele Longega in Conversation

Gabriele Longega, Portal of precariousness (2021), collage.
inhabiting the middle of nowhere is an online conversation between ongoing collaboartors Léann Herlihy and Gabriele Longega.
LH: Is it radical to be queer?
GL: Maybe it’s more essential?
LH: Or a means of survival?
Recalling their ongoing dialogues in anticipation of the middle of nowhere, Léann Herlihy and Gabriele Longega will hold a conversation which speaks to the messy mind of mapping out desires. Transcribing a direct quote from one of their late night video calls, LH and GL reciprocate a shared understanding of what it means for them to be queer and to inhabit space.
Striving for multiplicity over a single queer narrative, LH and GL hope to speak into each other’s understanding of nowhere, both within and beyond their practice. In doing so, the pair aim to create an audio MANIFESTO OF NOWHERE in which the audience can witness play out before them.
The event will also launch Longega’s short video, The Valley of the Undesirables' Tears commissioned by Léann Herlihy on
Date: 6:30pm on Wednesday, February 16th
Site: Online
Book here
The Valley of the Undesirables' Tears
Gabriele Longega
The Valley of the Undesirables’ Tears (2022)
digital video [11' 24'']
sound by B23 (Tommaso Bonfilio and Federico Campo)
The Valley of the Undesirables' Tears is a short essay film about a timeless community inhabiting an unmappable geography. Through texts and images, the film explores their feelings, their esoteric customs, and how they relate to their unstable surroundings.
Gabriele Longega, Somewhere was a forest under blue sun... (2022)
detail, solo exhibition at aarduork, Venice, Italy
detail, solo exhibition at aarduork, Venice, Italy